It's summer time already. People are starting to have their vacation in different resorts. Whether be it a big or small resort or beaches. We need to carry things which are very useful in our stay. I've listed the important things to bring during an outing:
> A Swimsuit. Of course, you are going to a resort, you need to dress appropriately. Whether you have plans of going into the water or not, a swimsuit is an essential.

> Dress Clothes. Aside from playing in the water and sand, you also need to have dress clothes if you're going to a bar to socialize. You also need these if you have special meetings and conferences.

> Shades. We need to protect our eyes from unltraviolet rays. They have different designs, colors and shapes. Just choose whatever you want.

> Sunscreen. You can use this as protection to the harmful rays of the sun. Who would love to have skin cancer while enjoying the beach?

> Phone and Camera Charger. It is very important to bring a charger so that you won't experience having an empty battery while staying in the resort.

> Mobile Phone. It is necessary for you to bring your phone so that people may contact you anytime. You can also update other people about your experience.

> Digital Camera. You need to capture every moment of your stay. You can have your best shots and reminisce it later and in the years to come.

> Food & Drinks. If you have the budget, then you have the option to buy your food in the resort. However, if you are the avarage earning type of person, it is recommended that you prepare your food before going to the resort so that it would not be a waste of time.

> Extra Money. You know for a fact that you need this and you wouldn't go to a beach if you don't have enough money in your pocket. It is necessary to have this in case you need to buy souvenirs and other stuff.

> Medicine & First Aid Kit. Having a first aid kit included will prepare you for unexpected incidents and accidents. Medicines should include medications to help ease pain and reduce swelling like over the counter drugs, bandages, betadine solution, and other supplies.

So, when are you planning to visit a resort? Be sure you have all these so that you could have a wonderful outing.
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