Sunday, May 3, 2009

Super Sentai Faves

Super Sentai are Japanese franchise that showcase a group of 3-7 members and pilots a mecha or walking vehicles.

There are a lot of Super Sentai series shown in the Philippines but here are my top favorites: Bioman and Maskman.

Bioman (Choudenshi Bioman) was released in 1984 with a total of 51 episodes. They are composed of 5 members and being supervised by Peebo, a robot who is the guardian of the Bio Particles, Bio Robo and Bio Dragon. They fight the evil acts of Doctor Man and his empire in conquering the Earth.

Biomen are descendants of five people showered with Bio Particles centuries ago. To transform individually they call their color and number and to transform as a group they call Bioman, By raising their hands, clenching their left fists and holding them with their right palms. although in episode 1, they transformed one by one shouting "Bioman", since they do not know their respective ranger designations; their designations may have later came from their order of transformation(shirou, shingo, ryuuta, mika and hikaru). The members are:

Shirou Gou (Red One) - he is the pilot of the first Japanese space shuttle and stands as the leader of the group. he is armed with Fire Sword.

Shingo Takasugi (Green Two ) - he is a car driver and he armed with Break Action Attacks.

Ryuuta Nanbara (Blue Three) - a water sportsman and his special attack is Super Sky Diving.

Mika Koizumi (Yellow Four I) - a photographer by profession. She died saving her teammates from the attacks of the Neo Empire. Her special attacks were Super Electronic Holography and Yellow Flash.

Jun Yabuki (Yellow Four II) - she is an olympic archer and she replaced the original Yellow Four. She is armed with Bio Arrow.

Hikaru Katsuragi (Pink Five) - she is a carnival flutist. Sweet yet strong, and a mistress of disguise. She wields the Super Electronic Beamlight and Pink Barrier.

Maskman (Hikari Sentai Maskman) was released in 1988 and it has also 51 espisodes. The tagalog version opening of this super sentai was composed by Vic Sotto.

Commander Sugata is a scientist and sage who excels in mental reinforcements and is a master of every martial art. He discovered the existence of the Royal Underground Empire Tube, a malignant force that desires to dominate the land, located underground Japan. In the beginning, the Tube was centered to pacifism. However, when Zeba assumed the throne, Tube began planning to conquer the world. Their goal was to turn the world into a cold and shady planet, suitable for their living conditions. In order to stand against them and thwart their plans, Sugata recruited five young people, each one specialized in a style of martial arts, and taught them in the ways of the mystical "Aura Power" energy.

A year after Sugata recruited and trained the Maskmen, Tube is ready to strike. The Tube's Princess Ial, sent to spy above ground as Mio, has fallen in love with Takeru, wishing for those underground and above ground to coexist. She is kidnapped and imprisoned in ice for her betrayal.

Here are the members of Maskman:

Takeru (Red Mask) - The leader of the group. He is a specialist in karate and a Formula 1 driver. His love for Mio and desire to find her is his motivation. He mastered the technique known as "God Hand." His weapon is the Masky Blade. His meditation gesture is called Zai (Opened hands with index finger and thumb together), which means the control over nature forces.

Kenta (Black Mask) - The second in command of the team. He specializes in Kung fu. He is shy around women but can be a playboy at times. He is lighthearted, but strong and dependable, making him an ideal second-in-command, which was proven when a Dogler Beast stole the aura of the other Maskman, leaving Kenta the only one who can fight. He worked as a mechanic for the Sugata Racing Team and once worked for the Sun Racing Team. His weapon is the Masky Rod. His meditation gesture: Jin (all fingers enlaced in a fist), which means the guessing of others' thoughts and intentions.

Akira (Blue Mask) - He is the youngest Maskman. He is a Chinese boxer and a broadsword expert. His father died while he was younger and he was a only child. He left his mother back home alone to move to Tokyo in order to perfect his martial arts ability (in reality to join the Maskman). Akira unknowingly enters a Tube-rigged tournament in order to win and to prove to his mother that he is succeeding in the purpose he left her for. Always cheerful, he loves apples and the idol Youko Minamino. Much later in the series, he is turned evil after being possessed by the spirit of a swordsman of the Royal Underground Empire named Fencer Unas. Unas was resurrected by some of the Royal Underground slaves of Tube in hopes that he would help set them free from Zeba's tyrannical rule and overthrow him. The underground slaves once witnessed when he freed certain other underground slaves and mistook Akira for a reincarnation of Unas. His meditation gesture: Retsu (two fists together with index finger from right hand sticking out), which means dominion over time and space.

Haruka (Yellow Mask) - She was raised in a family of ninjas. Forced by her father to abandon all things "girly" to focus on her ninja training, she appears tomboyish and is a fierce fighter. She is highly intelligent. She loves dancing and tutors a young girl who is unable to afford dance lessons. Her meditation gesture: Tou (All fingers together in a fist except ring and pinkie), which means the harmony towards the Universe.

Momoko (Pink Mask) - She is an expert in Tai chi chuan. A young woman with a pure heart, she often teaches youths Tai Chi. Strong and dedicated, she once, by chance, met Ial and Igam's mother, who gave her the saintly flower known as Carollove which Momoko treasures. Her meditation gesture: Sha (All fingers together in a fist except index fingers), which means the self-healing.

Together, they manually control the five piece componebt of their mecha known as Great Five. it is composed of:

Masky Fighter - piloted by Red Mask

Masky Drill - piloted by Black Mask

Masky Tank - piloted by Blue Mask

Masky Jet - piloted by Yellow Mask

Masky Gyro - piloted by Pink Mask

They also have their second robot which is the Land Galaxy when the Great Five was burried under the ground.

They will always be my favorite super sentai characters!


  1. xempre ang pinaka paborito kong super sentai eh power rangers hehe
    alam mo ba yung eto rangers?? saka time quest??
    uy ha gawa ka account sa

  2. hey im done with that super sentai list nga pala here's the link

  3. hello colin just dropping by here again have a great day and happy blogging

  4. hello clin how are you??
    looking forward for your new post
    have a great weekend
