How can you say that a person is shopaholic? How does it start? What are the symptoms? Is it determined by the items that a person purchases? Or how often a person spend on items? Or by the brands that he/she buys from a particular outlet? Is being a shopaholic the same as impulsive buyer? Is it a mind disorder? If it is, is there a cure?
We can't deny the fact that all of us wants to shop (who would deny???). Given the chance that we have money to spend of course, we will grab the opportunity to purchase items that would satisfy our cravings. From clothes to foods to places, even small accessories for our bodies, name it we will spend it for as long as we have a strong purchasing power. These questions came to my mind after watching the film entitled "Confessions Of A Shopaholic" starring Isla Fisher who plays the role of Rebecca Bloomwood who is a self-confessed shopaholic. A girl who wouldn't mind spending for as long as she get what she wants.
According to Wikipedia, shopaholic is associated to Oniomania, the scientific term that means compulsive desire to shop. It is also referred to shopping addiction. It could start at an early age. People who are being deprivated of things when they were still young develops a perspective that when they grow up they would work hard and buy all the stuff that they didn't achieve at their childhood days. Others would become shopaholic to show off that they can follow what is the ongoing trend about fashion so they would purchase items even if they don't need it. Other people would have this attitude to boost their confidence and self-esteem.
Being a shopaholic has disadvantages according to experts; first, people tend to be boastful when it comes to other people and they would have the tendency to mock other people who they think is not in their level; second because they spend more there is a greater chance of having debts if they are using credit cards to purchase items and if they can't pay their debts they would feel stressed which may result to guilt and shame. Even though many people consider this attitude to be a disorder, on the other hand, there are still good things such as, it boosts one's self-esteem and confidence; people feel that when they purchase these items, their world becomes brighter and warmer; it could also be a stress reliever (for some and sometimes...).
For the cure, I guess that really depends on the person if he/she really wants to change. Nevertheless, if a shopaholic would like to change, we need to help and support them so that they could achieve their goal.
Whatever reasons these shopaholics have, we can't blame theme because this is what makes them happy. We must always remember that "COST AND WORTH ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS" so we need to think first before doing such act. Now, ask yourself... Are you a shopaholic person?
If only I have the money, then for sure I am one of those shopaholic in the world! lol